Random Art in Deltarune

Make own decisions leads you to the light!

Hello guys, sorry for the delay but I had some small problems but I already solved them!

Daily ralsei day 68

had the terrific terrible idea of making Kris bald, then giving him a mustache

someone said I should be ashamed

I say mustaches are cool

Special day! Today there will only be images of cult of the lamb>:D(why? Idk)

Daily ralsei day 67

Hey there little ralsei fans! Is time for you dosis of fluffy boy!

Daily ralsei day 66

We have been doing this thing for more than two months, >~< thank you very much for all the support

Daily ralsei day 65

Made some fixes to the design and decided to switch color scheme to sonic 1's. Except the shoes they stayed the same color.

I made some drawings of me and my friends in a sorta omori style idk im not that good at mimicing it
(i used this for the dialogue box screenshot https://ransu-ll.github.io/Omori-Dialogue-Generator/)

Some fan art.

I wonder if anyone will recognize the creatures in the first


Daily ralsei day 63